Birds of Kansas

New species confirmed in Kansas since publication
through February 2020

Since birds of Kansas was published in May 2011, nine species have been added to the Kansas bird species checklist. Information on these species can be accessed below.

Mexican Violetear (2011) description pending

Red-necked Stint (2012) description pending

Purple Sandpiper (2015) description pending

Little Stint (2017) description pending

Brown Booby (2017) description pending

Crested Caracara (2011) description pending

Piratic Flycatcher (2015) description pending

Pacific Wren (2015) description pending

Hooded Oriole (2014) description pending


Species Removed from the Kansas Checklist

One species has been removed from the Kansas Checklist. In 2017, the Checklist Committee of the American Ornithological Society determined that Thayer's Gull was a subspecies of Iceland Gull. All records of both species have been combined under Iceland Gull.
