Kansas Ornithological Society

Mute Swan Reporting Form

Use this form to report Mute Swan sightings for tracking purposes. Mute Swans are not native to North America yet over the years have been popular with waterfowl fanciers and have become established in many parts of North America usually to the detriment of native waterfowl species. Mute Swans are being reported more and more regularly in Kansas. A group of ornithologists/researchers in Kansas are interested in tracking where they are being seen and how many are being seen. You can help by filling out this web based form with your sighting information. It should take no more than 2 to 3 minutes to fill out this form.

An excellent on line identification guide for Mute Swan, as well as our native Trumpeter and Tundra Swans, can be viewed at The Trumpeter Swan Society web page.

Questions, comments and suggestions can be directed to Chuck Otte.

A few instructions before you start. There are blank spaces in most of the boxes below. PLEASE do not backspace and delete these when your cursor enters that box! These spaces are needed in order to assure that the form is submitted with all the data fields, even if you don't need to put your data in the box. If you delete the spaces, then the forms will have missing fields when the computer spits them out to me, and my job of making these data into a coherent readable document is much harder!

And, as noted below, for the longer (description, habitat, etc) boxes, just type in the information without using the RETURN or ENTER key on your keyboard.  The text will automatically wrap around to fill the box, and the RETURN characters also make data processing a bit more difficult.


Today's date:

 Date(s) of sighting: From

(if observation date is unknown or does not fall within the periods available above, select "unknown", and add date information in other comments section below)

Indicate the number of individuals of each age group sighted:



Location of sighting ( town, lake, refuge, etc..) You can include GPS coordinates or distance/direction from a marked intersection if at an un-named pond or reservoir. (Don't worry about the small apparent size of these text boxes; these are set to word-wrap, or automatically start a new line when you get to the end of a line. PLEASE don't use the ENTER or RETURN key within this box, as it makes it much more difficult to collect all of the information from your report, and might result in loss of information.)  Use the scroll buttons to move up and down if you fill up these boxes:


Time of Day:

Distance from bird(s):

Duration of sighting:

Is this a probable resighting of previously reported birds (yes or no)?:

Your name: 

Street Address/PO Box:

City:     State:   ZIP:    

Your Phone Number: 

Your email address (REQUIRED):

If you have any other comments, contact information (work phone number,etc.), please add them here.


Clicking the submit button below will send this form to the Kansas Ornithological Society.

Mute Swans are distinctive and no documentation is required but if you wish to submit documentation (photos, sketches, videos, field notes, etc...) send to:

Chuck Otte
11319 Dundon Rd
Milford, KS 66514

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