Kansas Ornithological Society Officers

Officers and Board of Directors - 2023/24

President - Kurtis Meier - 1609 N. 10th St., Garden City, KS 67846 (kurtis.meier at ks.gov)

Vice-presidentAlice Boyle - Manhattan, KS 66502 (aboyle at ksu.edu)

Corresponding Secretary - Chuck Otte - 11319 Dundon Rd., Milford, KS 66514 (cotte at ksu.edu or cotte at twinvalley.net)

Membership Secretary - Jeff Calhoun, Manhattan (jeffcalhoun11 at gmail.com)

Treasurer - Max Thompson - 1729 E 11th Ave, Winfield, KS 67156 (maxt at cox.net)

Board Members

Andrew George - Pittsburg, KS (adgeorge at pittstate.edu) - 2024

Terry Mannell - Topeka, KS (terryman0405 at gmail.com) - 2024

Joseph Miller - Nickerson, KS (josephlowellmiller at gmail.com) - 2025

Mark Nolen - Wichita, KS (nolen.mark at gmail.com) - 2025


Business Manager - Malcolm Gold -  11323 Grandview Drive, Overland Park, KS 66210  (malcolmgold at gmail.com)

Editor, The Bulletin - Gene Young - 1707 N 7th St., Arkansas City, KS 67005 (eugene.young at noc.edu or young6264 at yahoo.com)

Editor, The Horned Lark - Chuck Otte - 11319 Dundon Rd., Milford, KS 66514 (cotte at ksu.edu or cotte at twinvalley.net)

Past-President - Jenn Rader - Galena, KS (jennrader34 at gmail.com)

KOS Officers from 1950 to present - this is a wide table so you may have to scroll to the right to get it all.

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last updated 10/15/2023 - ceo